Sumter county republican convention held at Little Brother’s Bistro March 22

Published 10:47 pm Saturday, March 22, 2025

Sumter County Republican Party press release

The Sumter Co. Republican Convention was held on March 22, 2025 at 9:00 am at Little Brothers Bistro in downtown Americus.

We had 21 people registered for the event as delegates and a few guests were present to listen in.

The meeting was Called to Order at 9:00 am by Chairman Darryl Hawkins. James Gaston then led the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

All registered delegates of their respected Precincts at the Co. Convention were elected to serve at the County Convention.

Rep. Mike Cheokas spoke to the group about information from the Georgia House and Washington updates.

The County Convention Re-Convened at 10:00 am.

Elections of new officers was held. Nominations for Wesley Larkin as Chairman, Darryl Hawkins as Vice Chairman, Carrie Hawkins as Secretary, and Joan Mason as Treasurer were brought to the floor. All were agreed upon and elected to serve.

Delegates were also elected for the District and State Conventions.
District Convention Delegates: Debora Clawson, Matt Busby, Wesley Larkin, Darryl Hawkins, Mike Cheokas, Ben Sosby, Joan Mason, Chet Crowley, and Cindy Crowley.
District Convention Alternates: Carrie Hawkins, Beth Williams
State Convention Delegates: Tom Richards, Nancy Richards, Debora Clawson, Mike Cheokas, Darryl Hawkins, and Matt Busby
(One more person is needed as a delegate. Please text 229-942-8770 if you are interested in being a delegate or alternate to the State Convention, dates below)

Meeting was adjourned.

2nd Congressional District Convention
Saturday, April 26
Harrison Woods Event Center
142 Ga-153
Ellaville, Ga 31806
$25 per person

Georgia State Convention
Friday & Saturday, June 6-7
Dalton Convention Center
2211 Tony Ingle Parkway
Dalton, Ga. 30720
$150-200 Registration Fee
(Note: State will send out info with hotels, etc)

If you did not pay dues, please send a check for $25 (Sumter Co. Republican Party) to Joan Mason at 126 Lake Jennifer Dr. Americus, Ga. 31709

More emails to come about special elections, voting information, local concerns, and future events.

Looking to grow our social media – Please follow us on Facebook at Sumter County Republican Party – Georgia