Health inspections: June 29, 2019

Published 3:00 pm Friday, July 1, 2016

AMERICUS  — The following food service inspections were conducted by Sumter County Environmental Health.
• Hampton Inn, 1609 E. Lamar St., Americus (tourist accommodation inspection) — May 31 — 94 A
— Observed no annual gas-fired equipment inspection on file. Will email a gas fired equipment form to the manager to keep on file.
— Observed tubs with no anti-slip surfaces or mats. (Showers do have anti-slip surfaces present)
• Hampton Inn, 1609 E. Lamar St., Americus (food service inspection) — Feb. 9 — 76 C
— No documentation for Food Manager Certification. Manager off today, however she has taken the CFSM class; not sure if course was passed. Need to provide results to EHS when received. Correct By: 02/20/2016.
— Observed three-compartment sink set up improperly to wash rinse and sanitize utensils. Soap and bleach were mixed together in one sink and then rinsed with plain water. Sink was emptied and set up properly to wash/rinse/sanitize; however, bleach was still too strong. Sanitizer solution was diluted to proper strength. Corrected On-Site.
— Observed TCS foods (time/temperature control for safety foods) cold-held at greater than 41 degrees F. (cream cheese and butter). Need to find a way to properly cold-hold these foods at 41 degrees F. or colder. Discard these items at end of breakfast.
— Observed no test strips for checking sanitizer level for bleach or quat sanitizer. PIC says that test strips have been ordered, however they have not been received. PIC should follow up with vendor to see why test strips have not been received. Correct By: 02/16/2016.
— Observed employee foods stored with food service foods. (raw shell eggs, containers of employee foods, etc. in refrigerator and freezer with food service foods.) Employee’s phone and iPad were on the food prep work counter. Employees need to have a designated area for storing their food, separate from the food service food. This can be a separate shelf or separate refrigerator, as long as it is clearly marked for employees. Cell phones and iPads should not be on kitchen prep counters. Correct By: 02/10/2016.
• Hardee’s of Americus, 230 Tripp St., Americus — March 15 — 95 A
— Observed time/temperature control for safety foods (real bacon bits) stored in the Walk in cooler with no lid covering it. TCS foods that are being stored should be covered at all times to prevent contamination. Food was covered with the appropriate lid. Corrected On-Site.
— Observed in the three-compartment sink the sanitizer section not reading the correct concentration. When using sanitizer solution to sanitize the equipment the solution should read the correct concentration. Solution was corrected to read the correct concentration. Corrected On-Site.
— Asked the person in charge about how they cleaned the dining tables and was told that they use a spray bottle with water, spray the tables, wipe the table dry with paper towel, and then wipe with a cloth in a sanitizer bucket. Told the PIC that to properly to sanitize the table is to either to use two buckets that have sanitizer in both and two cloths. Wipe once with bucket one, then wipe again with bucket two. Or use the spray bottle and add sanitizer solution in it and wipe with a paper towel for each table. Corrected On-Site.
— Asked an employee that was washing dishes the process of the three-compartment sink. Was told he washes, sanitizes, then rinses. Told him the proper way to clean and sanitize the dishes is to wash, rinse, and then sanitize. They corrected the three-compartment sink. Corrected On-Site.
— Remarks: Spoke with the person in charge about the new food rules changes. Gave handouts explaining the changes.
• Harrell’s BBQ, 144 Pryor Road, DeSoto — March 24 — 91 A
—  Observed large pans of barbecue, slaw and Brunswick stew stored in refrigerator with no date mark on containers indicating date made and/or date to discard. Date was put on pans (PIC said barbecue had been made previous day). Corrected On-Site.
— Observed wiping cloths stored in chlorine sanitizing solution not at proper minimum strength. Chorine needs to be approximately 50-100 ppm strength.
— Remarks: Using Time as Public Health Control for rice, squash casserole, green beans. Discussed new food service rules with PIC Water sample taken.
• HeadStart/Furlow Charter School, 300 Cherokee St., Americus — 94 A
— Observed time/temperature control for safety food (buttermilk) two cartons with expired date on it 2/18/2016. Manufactured foods should be thrown out at the expired date. Cartons were thrown out. Corrected On-Site.
— Observed a dirty pan filled with water in the fruit and vegetable sink. Fruit and vegetable sink is only used for washing and rinsing fruits and vegetables and cooling ready to eat food down. Pan was removed from sink and the sink was sanitized. Corrected On-Site.
— Remarks: Spoke with the person in charge about the inspection and the new food rule changes. Gave her the new handouts that explain the new changes.