Emergency: blood donors needed now
Published 10:42 am Monday, July 10, 2017
AMERICUS — The American Red Cross has issued an emergency call for blood donations. The summer months, with school being out and folks on vacation, is typically slower for giving blood, but at this time, the need for blood is still high and donations are not keeping pace with need.
A Red Cross nationwide blood emergency could delay the treatment and care of patients — including cancer patients and emergency room patients. The Red Cross wants to avoid a “high-pressure situation” and is issuing an emergency call for any blood type but especially “Power Red.”
By giving a concentrated does of red blood cells, “Power Red,” those who give are sharing more of the most commonly transfused blood product. This is a donation of two units of red blood cells and is drawn from one arm and drawn through a sterile, single-use needle set to a machine that separates and collects just the red blood cells and safely returns to remaining blood components, along with some saline, back to the donor through the same arm. This takes about 30 minutes longer than a whole blood donation and you can donate every four months. In addition to meeting other whole blood donor qualifications, you must also meet specific criteria for donating Power Red, such as hemoglobin, weight and height which vary by gender.
Visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-733-2767 to find out the nearest location to donate blood. Your donation could save many lives.