Leila Case: Oops! My invitation to the wedding was lost in the mail
Published 2:49 pm Monday, May 21, 2018
Almost everyone, with the exception of some men, enjoy weddings. My husband never turns down an opportunity when I tell him we’re invited to a couple’s nuptials; however, as I write this on Thursday unless he’s willing to rise before dawn Saturday to turn on the telly he’ll miss this one.
Of course, I am referring to the Royal wedding of England’s Prince Harry, grandson of Queen Elizabeth, and very unroyal Meghan Markle, an American actor. As an aside, Meghan’s linage was researched and she’s distantly related to the groom through England’s King Edward.
Our invitation apparently was lost in the mail; therefore, we won’t be up close and personal at the nuptials in the Norman-era Windsor Castle outside London donned in our wedding finery, so the next option is to watch on television. Due to the six hours’ difference in time, we must be ready at 4:30 a.m. for all the festive hoopla, something I have done in the past, having had the vicarious pleasure to “attend” royal weddings beginning with the marriage of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip when I was a child and I listened to the proceedings on my white Motorola radio as they were broadcast over the airwaves. I was captivated.
Provided nothing unforeseen happens, my plans are to have a cup of hot coffee in hand, donned in my stylish TePuy active wear (lavender knit shirt worn with lavender trimmed charcoal tights) and my perky navy blue fascinator. I am so excited. Now if Mediacom cooperates we’ll be in business.
Incidentally, that very fascinator made its debut in Augusta at a “lady’s hat” party I attended a few years ago and then flew with Elise Miller to London to wear to the Ascot Races with her friends. So, my little chapeau is well versed in British mores. Elise, along with a group of friends she has known from when they all had young children and were members of St. Luke’s Episcopal, Atlanta, will gather to vicariously attend the royal wedding at the mountain home of Bee McNeil in Clayton. Others there are Liz Chadwick, Atlanta; Mimi Tash, Canton; Becky Siemens, Hickory, N.C., and Nancy Walton, Athens. Of course, they’ll wear their royal attire and hats.
And did you know the sermon of the wedding ceremony will be delivered by The Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry, the presiding bishop of the American Episcopal Church?
Karen Austin, who in the past has traveled to her sister Beth’s home in Atlanta for royal wedding “watch parties,” says she’ll remain here to look at it like we all will.
On a more serious note, the second in the series of lectures hosted by Sumter Historic Trust took place last Tuesday and was a huge success with about 40 people from near and far attending. I certainly gained knowledge from the lecturer, Susan Bragg, Ph.D., history professor at Georgia Southwestern State University. She talked about the Jim Crow era in Americus and Sumter County. The third and final lecture is planned for Sept. 15. Plan to attend. It’s certain you’ll learn from the experience.
And smile and say happy birthday this week to Beau Barrett, Clara Grace Shivers and Susan Beger. And welcome to all the Rotarians in town for the Sheffield Gala tonight at The Carnegie, and congratulations to honor students at Southland Academy and graduates of Americus Sumter High School.
A friendly reminder: Vote Tuesday in the Georgia primary election. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.
Leila Sisson Case lives in Americus.