Sumter County Board of Elections Trial Runs Zoom
Published 6:06 pm Thursday, April 4, 2024
The Sumter County Board of Elections met on April 2nd in the Commissioner’s meeting room. Elections supervisor LaSandra Patterson updated the Board. “As of today, voter confirmations has increased. Right now we have 19,101 since March 12th. The RLA audit went pretty good. All the numbers were accurate.”
Patterson also gave updates on applications. “We’re sending out and receiving absentee applications. We’re also taking applications for new poll workers, for positions like clerks and managers. The advanced early voting will begin April 29th through May 17th, from 8-5, Monday through Friday, which includes two Saturdays.”
The Board of Elections made a trial use of Zoom, which would allow citizens to view the meetings remotely when launched. When asked if Zoom use would be ready by the next meeting, Chair Dr. Shirley Latimore mentioned the Commissioners were having issues with Zoom but expressed optimism about it being ready in time. “That’s the plan, is to be ready to have it next month.”
During the Sumter County Board of Commissioners meeting on the 12th of May, Criag Walker claimed that Randy Howard, former elections supervisor who was appointed as the Republican nominee to the Board of Elections, had ties to the democratic party. “When he was sheriff for so many years, he was a democrat.” Walker questioned the Board’s motivations.
Randy Howard provided a response, stating he had left the democratic party after what he perceived to be a shift in the party’s values. “I have not ever been a true Democratic or Republican. I believe [in] voting for the person who would represent our City, County and Country.”