Master Gardener Day is March 21
Published 8:00 pm Sunday, March 15, 2015
Come to the Albany Mall in the J.C. Penney wing Saturday, March 21 for educational displays on plants, butterflies, pollinators, bonsai, container gardening and more. Children will enjoy the free take-home activity of planting squash seeds and watching them germinate at home. Join the Southwest Georgia Master Gardeners and the University of Georgia Extension for Master Gardener Day, a fascinating look at insects and plants from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Working with a 10-county area in Southwest Georgia, Master Gardener Extension volunteers donated more than 1,200 hours presenting programs, educating about plants, improving landscaping, and assisting UGA Extension during 2014. The Master Gardener course is conducted by Dougherty County Extension, but the volunteers influence a much wider area. The March 2 Master Gardener Day at the Albany Mall is sponsored by the University of Georgia Extension and SOWEGA Master Gardeners.