Nancy M. Young: April 10, 2015
Published 6:00 pm Saturday, April 11, 2015
Schley Ministerial Association hosts benefit sale
The Schley County Ministerial Association has its annual Benefit Sale Saturday at the old Greenfield Building here in Ellaville. The plant is located off the old U.S. Highway 19 on the industrial tract.
They start at 8 a.m. serving breakfast and will serve food all day long. They are renting booths to anyone to sell their own items. Booths are $10 each. There will be a silent auction as well.
If you have a small or a large item you would like to donate to the Association and can’t get it to them call, or if you need to get a item home that you buy and need transporting it, call Larry DeLoach. He will also pick up large items or small ones for you to get to the sale. All proceeds will go to the ministerial association to help out in an emergency or to help out the needy here in Ellaville and Schley County.
Hope to see you all there.
Thank you for support with Memorial, Honor Wall
The Ellaville-Schley County Historical Society and I thank everyone who supported us with our Memorial and Honor Wall. I’m sure some of you don’t know that the historical society is sponsoring a special wall that will be in the rotunda of the renovated Schley County Courthouse. This is Honor and Memorial Wall.
We will place two large plaques on the wall as soon as the County finishes the renovations of the downstairs and the rotunda. These large plaques will have names placed in honor or memory of a family member or a friend. There will be black plates placed on the plaques and all names will be engraved on the plate in gold.
You may get an application by going o line and all information and applications can be picked up at Ellaville Floral Shop or Gill Drug Store or call me at 229- 937-2116.
You do not have to be a member of the historical society to make or receive a memorial or honor. The minimum cost $35; you can always donate more. Remember all donations are tax-deductible. All proceeds will go to help preserve our history. We still have spaces on the wall.
I invite you and yours to join us at the historical society. Call me and I”ll be glad to help you.
Tyrus, Ann Gills return from cruise
Tyrus and Ann Gill left for a cruise recently. Ann said that it was a very enjoyable and restful cruise.
They cruised the Royal Caribbean to Roatan, Honduras, Belize, Cozumel and Costa Maya, Mexico.
Soon after getting home to Ellaville, Tyrus’ nephew, Jeff Gill Jr. and his family came down from Michigan for a visit. The guests included Jeff’s wife Debi and their three children and a friend. The family enjoyed going to Andersonville National Historic Site, as well as visiting with the family and sitting by the pool and enjoying the Georgia sunshine and warm weather.
Caleb, Connor Justice celebrate birthdays together
On April 4, a birthday celebration was held for Caleb and Connor Justice at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Dan Grizzle of Andersonville.
Caleb Justice , father of Connor, celebrated his 26th birthday with his son who turned 7 on April 2.
The father and son were honored with a barbecue dinner with all the trimmings. Two birthday cakes were lighted with candles. Connor had a cake decorated like a baseball, and Caleb had a chocolate/chocolate cream cake with Reese Cups decorating it. As they both made wishes and blew out their candles, the family all got together and sang “Happy Birthday.”
Following the delicious meal the family played games including baseball and corn hole toss. Gifts were opened and everyone had a great time spending time together and celebrating with so many family and friends.
There about 30 that attendance including the honorees’ wife and mother Rebecca Justice and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Grizzle, and Caleb’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Brian Justice; also Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Justice of Ellaville and Mary Johnson and great-grandparents of the honorees.